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If you've been chatting with a Libra man, you may get swept up in how charming he is. Even though Libras usually show their love to their partners, it's sometimes hard for them to share their feelings.[1] If you're concerned whether or not a Libra man is playing games with your head or serious about your relationship, don't worry! We'll go over a bunch of red flags to look out for so you can tell if your man truly wants to build your connection.

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    Libras tend to be flirty, but he could be testing to see if you're jealous. Libra men really care about their social lives and love attention, so try to notice if they're holding conversations with other people more than you. Pay attention to if they loop you into the conversation when they're talking to someone else or not. If you notice that he ignores you or seems more excited talking to someone else, it could be a sign that he's playing with your feelings.[2]

    • It's normal for Libra men to enjoy everyone's company, but it's not a good sign if they leave you out.
    • Try talking to the guy if you notice he's not giving you as much attention. Since Libras are more social, he may not realize that he's not including you.
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    If you're the one always checking in, he might not be thinking of you. Libra men want to stay in touch with the people that they're close with. Look back through your messages with the guy and see if you've been the one that's had to start every conversation with him. If he's losing interest or only trying to test you, then it's probably a sign that he's not interested anymore.[3]

    • Libra men might still reply to your messages quickly since they don't want to hurt your feelings or start a confrontation.
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    A Libra man will make excuses rather than confronting you head-on. Since Libras hate making people upset and want to avoid it, they may not agree to any plans that are even a few weeks out. If you did have a plan with a Libra man, he won't want to hurt your feelings, so he may cancel at the last minute saying he's busy with something else. There's a chance he's keeping his distance because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings or he may be waiting for you to end it.[4]

    • Watch out if he says things like "maybe" or "it depends" whenever you suggest something since it could mean he's non-committal.
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    Libra men will pull away if they want to end it. If a Libra man likes you a lot, he'll want to be affectionate and show he cares by hugging you or holding your hand when you're together. If you notice that he's starting to pull away from you or seems more distracted when you try to be affectionate towards him, he may not want a serious relationship with you.[5]

    • It may take a little time for a Libra man to show his affection, so if you just started a relationship, be a little patient to see if his behavior changes.
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    If he chats about sex and then acts disconnected, it may be a bad sign. Libra men are really good at flattering other people, so it's easier for them to be physically intimate with others. Look back at your conversations to see if he's eager when you talk about sex but doesn't say much when you discuss other topics. If you mainly only see or talk to each other when it leads to something intimate, then he might just be using you.[6]

    • Check the times when he sends you text messages. If it's only late at night, then it could be a red flag.
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    If a Libra man was really into you, he'd feel comfortable opening up. Even though Libras are more reserved with their emotions, they'll still be in touch with their emotions. As your relationship grows, the guy will eventually tell you how he feels if they see you as a serious partner. If you've been chatting with the guy for a while and you still don't have an idea about his feelings, then he may be avoiding getting too attached to you.[7]

    • The guy also won't open up about his hopes and dreams for the future if he doesn't see you as a serious relationship.
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    Libra men are usually fair and neutral, so putting you down is a red flag. A Libra man will usually approach things with an unbiased opinion, so they'll tend to see things from your point of view.[8] However, if your guy gets more argumentative or makes you feel more insecure, it could be a sign he's trying to push you away without actually bringing up your relationship. If you don't feel respected when he talks about you, it's probably a sign he's playing you.[9]

    • Mention when he's starting to call you out for things and ask him why he's doing it so you can know for sure.
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    A Libra man may keep you from his friends and family if he's not into you. Libra men value their relationships with the people they're close with, but they worry about the people they bring into their life.[10] The next time he mentions his friends or family, ask if you can meet them. If he keeps making excuses, you should be a little suspicious of his intentions.[11]

    • If you know any of a Libra man's friends already, try to get close with them since the guy trusts their opinions.
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    A Libra man might not put in the work if he doesn't see a relationship. If a Libra man is serious about your relationship, he'll let you know that you're important in his life. He'll text and call you, and he'll want to make time to get together and build your bond. If your guy tends to disappear or makes plans without you, then there's a chance that he's just playing you and isn't fully invested.[12]

    • Think back to any dates you've had with the guy. Was he the one that set them up or have you taken the lead most times?
    • Tell the guy if you notice that you're planning all your get-togethers. If he still doesn't change after you confront him, then it's a real sign that he's not interested.
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    A Libra man might disagree and pull away if he doesn't see himself with you. Libra men are extremely supportive of the people they care about. If he's always cheering you on and rooting for you when things get tough, he really does want to keep building your relationship. When a Libra man doesn't put in the effort or completely stops being your cheerleader through hard times, it might be a sign that he wants to move on to something new.[13]

    • If he disagrees with a lot of points you make in private and public, it may be another sign that he's lost interest.
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    He may try to make you pity him if you ask him about his intentions. Libra men don't like conflict and will try to deflect tough conversations back on how they feel. Try to bring up how you're feeling and ask him if there's anything wrong. He may try to make you feel bad for bringing up the topic in the first place to try and ignore the conversation. If he starts getting upset easily about the topic, then it could be a sign he's trying to hide something.[14]

    • Don't be afraid to end things if you don't feel like the guy is going to put any more effort into your relationship.

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  • If a Libra man pulls away from you, try to give him a little bit of space since he may see it as clingy and exhausting.[15]

  • While it's usually a worrisome sign when someone is a little quiet in a relationship, it could mean that a Libra man feels more comfortable around you.[16]

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