
Definition and Sentence of Pugnacious

Bass being pugnacious and aggressive creatures by nature, the take is often a very violent affair.
At nesting time the parents become bold and pugnacious attacking crows, magpies, cuckoos and kestrels crossing their territory.
He had been wise in his career choices, guided by his sprawling but close-knit family and his pugnacious agent.
The males, said to be polygamists, are extraordinarily bold and pugnacious, whilst the females are quite pacific.
What a way to go for the most pugnacious, aggressive Liberal minister I've seen in action.
As is well known, the robin is pugnacious, fighting with its own kind and attacking other birds.
They absorbed a lot of pressure, their back four, hard-working and combative in face of opponents who were persistent and pugnacious.
His elegant, often pugnacious, occasionally crudely offensive essays on composers are now available in a collection.
The interviewer got nowhere with trying to manipulate or trip up the pugnacious trial lawyer turned politician.
According to my bird book, bulbuls are pugnacious, and are still used as contestants in bulbul fights.
They are as pugnacious as stinkpot turtles and when threatened they quickly secrete a foul smelling liquid.
The milquetoast types of New Labour never come off well when they try to act like self-styled pugnacious political heavyweights.
I do not know, but the new owner had to be very courageous and pugnacious to achieve his dream: reopen the distillery.
In East Timor, as in other Asia countries, it is necessary to be pugnacious and tough by smiling.
Paul is presented by many as a pugnacious man who was well able to wield the sword of his words.
Outgoing, alert and intelligent, they are neither fierce nor pugnacious, although they are not overflowing with affection for strangers.
The prime minister grasped how damaging it would be to have this pugnacious woman floating around without a portfolio to keep her on-message.
They are hardy and long-lived but pugnacious toward other birds and have loud, squawky voices.
Hayden, self-assured and pugnacious, insisted that the interrogations were carefully run and unassailably effective.
The Magnum opens up to 7.75 inches in length, with over four inches of that in a pugnacious handle stylistically befitting the business end of the knife.

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He is a pugnacious writer and speaker himself, well used to picking intellectual fights.
He said that on the whole he got a better reception from Republicans, especially the pugnacious Sen. John McCain.
He's Jimmy Bly, a tow-headed, blue-eyed youngster with a protective, over-bearing, pugnacious older brother Demille who serves as his manager and mother hen.
A former Colgate University lineman, Rooney was a pugnacious GI who had trouble keeping his lips zipped.
Joe Sutter is 93 now, silver-haired and moving a tad more slowly than he would like, but still pugnacious and sharp of tongue.
A catfight breaks out between restless, wilful Miss Braund and her pugnacious chaperone, Mrs Hammond, ending with a slap from the hostess, the hatchet-faced Mrs Rogers.
With an editorial staff of its own, it takes a more pugnacious line than the print version, though without detracting from its in-depth coverage.
Habits: For such a small butterfly it can be very pugnacious, chasing off other butterflies from its territory.
Enclosed you will find the history of the company as well of young man Vassant, pugnacious, perfectionist and passionate about his career.
My congratulations and respect for this brave, open and somewhat pugnacious article.
He had a walking stick and his whole manner was so pugnacious and focused.
And to those who wondered why the nation should heap up its wealth at the feet of such pugnacious vulgarians, the magazine gave the usual answer: Traders prospered because they delivered.
Biden may be pugnacious, but one-on-one he can be quite the charmer.
In the face of bad news Churchill normally became even more pugnacious, always wanting to respond to defeat by going on the attack.
Harold Pinter earned a reputation for being notoriously pugnacious, enigmatic, taciturn, terse, prickly, explosive and forbidding.
A bit like Seinfeld's Elaine Benes and Sweet Dee in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia before her, Mindy Lahiri is the pugnacious antihero it is compelling, rather than just OK, to like.
That privilege imbued the mother, wife and older woman with a moral authority which they had to impose on the men. The latter were considered to be generally quick-tempered and pugnacious.
Dogs will range from sweet-tempered and patient animals. to pugnacious mutts that probably dream of such delicious adventures as severing human jugular veins.
The more pugnacious among them have prepared for a showdown by skittering back and forth in the scrub with loaded machineguns. Texas's governor, George Bush, has so far been shrewdly silent.
It is also striking that the candidate country that comes in for the most criticism, often for trivial reasons, is Poland, in fact the freest and most pugnacious country at the Intergovernmental Conference.

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His clients are composed of individuals, professionals and small businesses who privilege a direct and lasting relationship with a pugnacious but pragmatic lawyer.
The pugnacious Fulgence Bienvenüe continued his project, overcoming failures, unforeseen setbacks and catastrophes such as the 1903 fire at Couronnes, which killed 84 people.
And typically, the pugnacious New Jerseyan refuses to back away.
He served as a pugnacious and dedicated leader of the opposition.
And the pugnacious Peretz has been all too happy to fire right back.
Recha is an angry and pugnacious man, not given to moderating his tone.
Those chosen must have first proven themselves worthy as not only master debaters but peerless, pugnacious political postulators as well.
There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.
For nearly 40 years, Mr. Solarin, an unpretentious and intensely pugnacious man, has been an intellectual guru for Nigeria's disenchanted and disfranchised.
As a journalist he showed immense talent and possibly genius, dispensing with the ornate poeticisms that then typified Italian newspapers, in favour of pugnacious invective.
Madeleina di Farja had described Ori, and Cutter had envisaged an angry, frantic, pugnacious boy eager to fight, excoriating his comrades for supposed quiescence.
Like the game fowl, it is terribly pugnacious, and in its native country is kept and trained for fighting.
His mouth was underhung, giving him a pugnacious and bad-tempered appearance.
They recalled the British housefly, only they were much larger, and extremely pugnacious.
One was a short, stocky young man with a pugnacious Irish nose, freckly face, and hair red as a burnished copper boiler.
They are fierce, pugnacious animals, and are said to be more than a match for a bear.
The ursine baboon is not naturally pugnacious, but neither is he timid or destitute of the means of defence.
The general disposition was choleric, pugnacious, litigious.
Some one produced a bottle and offered the pugnacious one a drink.
He went out of Onteora, that summer, in a blaze of pugnacious glory.
In his shirt and trousers he was a comparatively slim gentleman, who walked across the bedroom to the bathroom with no more pugnacious purpose than that of washing himself.
And that night we slept in our own little cave high up on the cliff, though first we had to evict a couple of pugnacious youngsters who had taken possession.

Definition and Sentence of Pugnacious


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